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  THIS IS UNBELIEVEABLE! I normally do not give an opinion on a product the very same day it arrives, as I like to use/wear it awhile first, before I decide if I like the product or not. However, I was so overjoyed with what Amazon delivered today, that I could not wait.

  I am a short person, 5'0" short, who has searched my entire adult life for jeans that fit properly. One year, many years ago, before school started, we, as we had done for years, went to the only store (a small family owned store) that carried the uniforms required by the parochial schools in our metro area. As the sales/ fitting lady helped our 3 daughters, I asked her if I could try on some jeans.

  She was kept busy, helping my girls "fit" their uniforms and mark them at the right places, where the seamstress would take them in. I wasn't aware that everytime I came out of the dressing room and looked into the 3 way mirror, that she was watching me. When I had tried on every jean they had out for sale, as was usual, ALL of them were way too long by than 6 inches or more. Running into a dead end, so to speak, as I usually did with jeans, I put them back where I had found them and hung them up. I returned to see how my daughters fittings were going. She looked like she had something to say, but was hesitating. When she spoke she said," I don't mean to be a busybody, but I noticed that the jeans we have for sale were all way too long for you. May I make a suggestion for you to try"? I told her she should tell me what she wanted to say. She informed me that the size jean I needed in a junior sizing, would ALL be way too long, unless I was lucky enough (at the time) to find someone who carried Petites. I asked off hand, if she knew of anyone who carried them at the time. She told me no, but that she thought I would get a perfect fit, and here she inserted,"I hope I don't offend you by saying this, but I think a girls size 14 would be perfect for you". She pointed the way. Having nothing to lose, I tried her suggestion. It was as though I had found custom fitted jeans! I chose a few pair, and from then on, I always went to the girls department when I needed any sort of pant.

  This past year, my jeans looked like they had seen their day. As I wanted to try some in the beautiful colors they now make, I looked at 2 of the better known, name brand jeans that were out there. I found almost NOTHING, in the size I needed, but even if it wasn't a color I would normally have chosen, I purchased the few I found offered and in stock, who claimed to fit according to the chart, between a 2 Petite and a 4 Petite. When they came, many were still way too long and the rest that were that was the right length, then the hips and waist were way too big. But beggars can't be choosers so they say, and I kept the ones that fit best lengthwise. The more I thought about it, after washing and wearing the 6 or so pair I had kept, I had kept, I recalled seeing a picture of Amazons jeans for petite women, on one of the pages where I had ordered the jeans I now had. I decided to give them a try. I purchased 2 pair, as that would give me more jeans than I needed, but a little bit of summery color. They came today.

  These are THE BEST jeans, fit wise, fabric wise and color wise, I have ever owned in my 64 years. I am NOT joking when I say that, for the first time ever, I was elated! I now have 2 pair of jeans that look and fit as though custom made. I only wish I hadn't washed and worn the name brand jeans that are ill fitting. The quality really surprised me, as the fabric was soft, supple and the jeans are very well constructed. Length is perfect. And, they are perfectly fitted to my hips and waist, not needing a belt. The next time I need or decide to buy jeans again, I am going straight to Amazon's page and place my order. And so many color choices for me! For the very first time, I have a choice of EVERY color they make, in all the larger sizes of the name brand jeans, but rarely, if ever in my size or length. I am in heaven! For a woman my age who has put up with either a poor color choice because the store does not buy large quantities of the 2 smallest sizes, and they go fast IF they carry them at all, or having to choose jeans that are too big in the hips and/or waist, I now have two VERY well made, VERY lovely looking pairs of jeans, that no one would ever know they aren't one of the name brands. Thank you Amazon! I have waited my entire life, to find pretty colored, well fitting, well made jeans that up until now, I had to compromise on something, to wear. These jeans are perfect! A perfect fit. Perfect colors and sturdy construction. I will forget about those name brand jeans, (and their price) and head straight to Amazons jeans page. I KNOW I won't be disappointed. You made my year!